The 12th Edition of the Marseille Cosmology Conference Series
9-13 Jul 2018 Marseille (France)
CGM studies using QSO-galaxy and QSO-QSO pairs
Hadi Rahmani  1@  
1 : Observatoire de Paris
GEPI, Observatoire de Paris

Circumgalactic medium (CGM), the interface between the interstellar medium and the intergalactic medium (IGM), is a complicated site of entwined gas from the IGM accretion and galactic outflows. QSO-galaxy and QSO-QSO pairs systems are amongst the best places to study the physical properties of the CGM. Here, I present the results of our recent CGM studies using MUSE observations where we can identify bonafide accreting/outflowing gas in the CGM. I further discuss the results of our recent studies of CGM of QSOs using QSO-QSO pairs obtained from X-Shooter observations.

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