Scientific Rationale Since its conception more than 50 years ago, the intergalactic medium (IGM) has been chiefly the study of interconnectivity. This gas traces the cosmic web between galaxies. It connects galaxies to their fuel (and the energetic consequences of this fuelling) in the circumgalactic medium. It connects collapse and cosmological expansion. It connect galaxies to the metagalactic background and subsequently to the ionization of baryons. It connects quasar spectra to large-scale structure through absorption. At this conference we seek to understand these connections in order to establish a holistic picture of galaxy formation, the properties of baryons, and the expansion of the universe. Key to this goal is promoting greater interconnectivity between communities: cosmologists and IGM scientists, observers and simulators, data analysis and theory, project planners and modellers. Through sharing the latest results and fostering new connections we wish to prepare the community for the emergence of new massive IGM surveys and facilities for many years to come. Scope of sessions Scope of sessions: Practical information Registration:
Key dates: Abstract submission deadline for contributed talks: 23th March 2018 Abstract submission deadline for lightening talks: 8th June 2018 Registration deadline: 8th June 2018 Contributed talks will be standard ~15 minutes talks. Lightening talks will be ~2 minute talks intended to advertise work and prompt one-on-one discussions in coffee. Note that lightening talk speakers are advised to bring further supporting material in the form of slides (personal laptop or paper) to aid potential discussions. Venue: Amphitheatre Gastaut at Pharo Fees:
Invited Speakers Ryan Cooke - CEA, Durham Science Organising Committee Mat Pieri - Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille (co-chair) Local Organising Committee Vincent Le Brun (co-chair) Financial Partners
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